A high school football player from Paulding County is battling for his life after unexpectedly collapsing and suffering a seizure during a friendly basketball game, his mother reports.
Avery Cox, who is on the cusp of his senior year, experienced a heart-stopping moment of collapse on Monday, as shared by a relative, Lisa O’Neal Youngblood, on Facebook. Following the incident, Avery was swiftly airlifted to Egleston Hospital, where he is currently on a ventilator.
“His initial exam at Egleston indicated excessive swelling in his brain with little brain activity,” Youngblood wrote. “The doctors informed us that he had blood in his lungs and that he was in acidosis. They told us that he was very sick and that his body had suffered a major trauma.”
“We are praying that his brain wakes up and we see brain activity,” Youngblood wrote. “We are praying that his lungs clear and that he is able to come off of the ventilator. We are praying that his heart is healed and beats and functions properly.”
During the 2022-2023 season, Cox served as a linebacker for the varsity football team, as stated on hudl.com.
The school district expressed their empathy and support in a statement given to Channel 2 Action News: “The school has been maintaining communication with the family. Our thoughts and hearts are with them in this challenging period.”
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